Twiggy Darwinia
Twiggy Darwinia

Darwinia oxylepis

Real fig
Real fig

Ficus carica

Spanish fir
Spanish fir

Abies pinsapo

Mexican bald cypress
Mexican bald cypress

Taxodium mucronatum

Snakeskin Pine
Snakeskin Pine

Pinus heldreichii

Bunges pine
Bunges pine

Pinus bungeana

Snakeskin Pine
Snakeskin Pine

Pinus heldreichii

Large-leaved fig
Large-leaved fig

Ficus macrophylla


Impressions from the fascinating world of woody plants

Excursion to the Czech Republic 2022

Excursion and AGM, Zürcher Unterland 2022

Excursions and AGM, Lake Maggiore area 2021

Excursion in the Brissago la Maddalena Cadogno garden 2021

Excursion to Sicily 2010

Excursion to Geneva 2009


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